Note that there are several variations of the best Pornpager sex cams. Some have vibrating balls in the handle or base. However, do not insert the ball into your rectum without the handle, as you may lose the ball. Many of the escort blogs are smooth, but if you prefer ribbed or bumpy textures, you can find those textures as well.
You’ll also find toys with inflexible light bulbs inspired by Best Pornpager’s sex cams. Glass is a common material and is often referred to as an anal wand or glass massager. The long, curved style allows you to maintain a firm grip while playing. Some escort blogs resemble pornpager best sex cams because they are long and wavy/ribbed. Learn more about how to use Escort Blog.
Once you decide on an escort blog, lube is a must! The rectum is not self-lubricating like the vagina, and too rough play can easily cause microscopic tears that are invisible to the naked eye. These abrasions make it easy for bacteria and other infections to develop.
Although the use of lube is a must, the type of lube you use is a personal choice. Oil-based lubes can be safely used an ally, as long as you don’t use latex (oil breaks down latex, so never use it if you plan on using a condom). Water-based lubricants are compatible with everything, and the high-viscosity formula provides cushioning.
The third option is a smooth, long-lasting silicone lubricant. However, inferior silicone lubricants can damage silicone toys. Apply near the base of the toy and rub vigorously to see a reaction. Do not use this lubricant if the toy is sticky. Some lubricants are made specifically for anal sex, making it easier to find the right product. You can choose to oil your anus, oil your escort blog, or both. Do not dip your fingers in lube as this may make insertion into the escort blog difficult.
If you’re planning to use Pornpager’s best sex cams for the first time with your partner, you might want to try it yourself first. This way, you can figure out your preferences and confidently tell your partner how to use sex in a way that is comfortable for you or as a basis for trying something new. This reduces anxiety and discomfort for both parties.