Hentai porn videos are a standard service among luxury escorts, and it is a service that comes with higher rates and longer bookings.
Of course, hentai porn videos are not for everyone, and that is okay; ask yourself how ready you are for this type of service and how comfortable you are. Think, put yourself in some scenarios, and see what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to dressing and performing a specific hentai porn video for your client.
If there are things that you do not like to do or that make you feel uncomfortable, it is better to know this in advance and make it clear to your clients or on your profile. This way, you will avoid embarrassing situations and even nasty comments.
Once you have determined what hentai porn video services you want to offer, the next important thing is to prepare to meet a client who is expecting this type of service.
Some people want you to wear a costume that features a character from their favorite movie or video game and requires some knowledge. So ask them for the details and even ask for a photo as a starting point so that you can adequately prepare for the hentai porn video.
Remember that your payment will be higher as the costume becomes more complex and more challenging to find and its details become more detailed and unusual, higher.
Do your research well. When a client asks you to be a sexy, rum-drinking, sword-fighting pirate, the best thing to do is, for a level-A hentai porn video service, it’s about doing research that goes beyond just wearing a costume. Watch makeup tutorials that go with your outfit hairstyles and even videos to see how this character usually acts and speaks.
If the client has excessive requests that cost you time and money, mention them upfront. Start by including the additional costs in your final fee.
Request a script. It doesn’t have to be a written note, as no one has time, but ask for details about how your client wants the meeting to go. You’ll get valuable information about their expectations when looking for a script. Ask them how they want to be greeted, how they want to be treated, and what they want to hear from you. The more you know, the better the experience will be.
Set clear boundaries about what’s okay for you and them, and establish a safe word when things get too far.
Follow the steps mentioned above, and you are sure to give your date an unforgettable experience of streaming hentai porn videos.